Finding your personal style- Authenticity never goes out of style

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This segment will be a series of articles focused on finding your personal style


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Personal style starts with self-expression, authenticity, and self-acceptance

The media has played a significant role in setting unrealistic standards for appearance, and it is common for people to internalize these standards and try to meet them. While it is important to accept ourselves as we are, it is also important to recognize that the world does not always work this way and we are often judged based on how we present ourselves. Encouraging someone to simply “be themselves” ignores fundamental the fact that self-growth and change are important parts of maturity and we are constantly making assumptions based on our observation of the world and people. As we strive to improve ourselves and find our personal style, it is essential to maintain a balance between self-acceptance and personal growth. It is important to be mindful of our own limitations and ensure that any changes we make are realistic and financially feasible to sustain in the long term. Striving for self-improvement while also embracing our authentic selves is key to leading a fulfilling and well-balanced life

The way we present ourselves to the world is important, as it can be a reflection of our self-respect and self-worth. While some may consider this to be vanity, the two concepts are actually quite different. Vanity is characterized by an excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements, while self-worth is an awareness or confidence in one’s own worth or value.

It is important to recognize that vanity often relies on external validation for self-worth and can focus on the pursuit of success, perfection, and the need to prove competence. On the other hand, self-worth and self-respect involve setting boundaries, being grateful, and wanting to improve oneself for the purpose of living one’s best possible life, rather than seeking validation from others.

Determining whether to embrace ourselves as we are or seek to make significant changes can be difficult, especially when considering the unrealistic beauty standards often promoted by the media. Deciding between being true to ourselves or trying to conform to these standards can be challenging. When making changes or improvements to ourselves, it is crucial to consider whether they align with our values and goals. We have the right to make any changes, both internal and external, as part of our self-development journey. It is essential to base decisions about our bodies and health on what is best for us rather than trying to please others or meet societal expectations.

For instance, losing weight should be a personal choice motivated by a desire to improve our own health and well-being rather than trying to meet the expectations of a partner or others. We should prioritize our own needs and goals rather than attempting to fulfill the desires of others. In the end, the most vital aspect of self-improvement is that we have control over our own autonomy.

It is easy to see how much people change over time by looking at our own fashion sense and interests at different stages in life. Our style, circle of friends, taste in food, and even our preferences for romantic partners can all change as we grow and develop. When people say to “be yourself,” it can be confusing because it is not always clear which version of ourselves they are referring to. We are constantly evolving and changing, and it is important to recognize that we are works in progress and are always developing as individuals. Accepting ourselves is the first step towards self-improvement, but it is important to recognize that we are constantly growing and changing, and we may not always be the same person we were in the past or will be in the future. It is important to recognize that there is a psychological component to making improvements to our appearance or finding our personal style. Understanding this can help us make informed decisions about how we present ourselves to the world and can have a significant impact on our mental well-being.

Work in progress

The is often a sense of pressure to meet deadlines and complete projects on time. While setting deadlines can be effective in achieving goals, it is important to remember that we are no longer in competition with others, thus the goal is never about competing with others, or feeling pressure to succumb to social expectations from society, friends, or family. instead, become self-focused and set goals for yourself. There is no need to feel pressure to achieve something just because someone else has already done so, we have the freedom to set our own deadlines. It is important to recognize that we are always a work in progress and that we have the time and opportunity to continue improving ourselves whenever we feel we are ready to start. We are the ones in control of our own journey and can choose to take the time necessary to present the best version of ourselves to the world when we feel we are ready to do so. It is important to remember that personal growth is a continuous process and that there is no rush to complete it.
Never compare yourself to others as this will cause you to lose sight of your own progress. Instead, seek to learn from others, take inspiration from others, and always aspire to do better.
Real progress begins when we look inward and focus on ourselves.

While some teenagers may have more responsibilities and challenges than others, it is common for those transitioning from being a teenager to young adults to feel unprepared for the responsibilities that come with adulting. Finding our personal style can often take a backseat to more practical concerns such as work, bills, and everyday tasks like grocery shopping and laundry,   However, our presentation to the world can have a significant impact on our social and economic standing.   Trying to present a polished version of ourselves to the world while also juggling various responsibilities can be overwhelming. It is important to remember that everyone’s lives are unique and that the lives we see online should only serve as inspiration, rather than a prescribed roadmap for how to live our own lives. It is important to interpret and apply this inspiration in a way that is authentic and meaningful to us.
The best way to take inspiration from online content is to find ways to customize the advice we receive on topics such as health and style to fit our own lives. While it is possible to be inspired by online content, it is unlikely that any single video or piece of advice will transform our lives. Change is a continuous process, and our style will need to evolve as our lives do. It is important to remember that inspiration is just that – something that can motivate us to make positive changes, but it is up to us to find ways to apply that inspiration to our own lives in a meaningful way.

It is okay to draw inspiration from pictures we see online, but it is important to remember that we do not know the lifestyle or budget of the person depicted. Trying to maintain a look that we have seen on someone else can be time-consuming and may not be feasible for us. Taking the time to get to know ourselves and work on ourselves allows us to create harmony within ourselves, which eventually radiates outward. This, to me, is what personal style is all about. It is not just about being confident, but rather about being self-aware and comfortable in our own skin. When we are self-aware, confidence naturally follows. I used to focus on building my confidence, but it wasn’t until I became self-aware that I truly understood what it means to be confident. Self-awareness involves having a conscious understanding of one’s own character and feelings. It means recognizing that confidence is not the absence of insecurity, but rather the acceptance that flaws and insecurities are a natural part of being human and that everyone experiences them. When we are self-aware, we are able to accept our flaws and insecurities and recognize that they do not make us any less worthy or deserving of respect and love. Finding your personal style is not about owning designer bags or trying to maintain a particular look or aesthetic. Everyone has their own aesthetic, which may not look like someone else’s, but it is based on their particular lifestyle. Some people’s lifestyles may appear more “aesthetic” to others, and that is okay.

The important thing is to find a style that reflects our own unique lifestyles and feels authentic to us.
I have tried to take inspiration from other people’s styles in the past, only to find that the polished and fierce look I was trying to achieve didn’t fit with my budget, lifestyle, or personality. As a result, I often found myself back in sweatpants looking worse for wear. It is important to recognize that what works for someone else may not necessarily work for us and to find a style that is authentic and aligns with our own budget, lifestyle, and personality.

You can look great and express yourself through your personal style without breaking the bank. Personal style is attractive, particularly when someone is confident in their own skin it shows. People with personal style wear clothes, clothes do not wear them. Remember that you are an artist when trying to discover your personal style, even if you don’t consider yourself a masterpiece. Art is subjective and there is a place for everyone in the market. As an artist, you are using your personal style as a way to express yourself, through your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, fundamentally you are telling the world who you are and how you wish to be treated.

A great way to start expressing yourself through your personal style is by prioritizing your physical and mental health. It’s common for people to experience a positive transformation, or “glow up,” after a breakup because they are no longer in a toxic environment or around people who undermine their self-worth. Find a style that feels comfortable for you and make the most of what you have, including your budget, body shape, and personality. It’s important to remember that you don’t need a large budget or expensive clothes to be the best version of yourself. It can be helpful to draw inspiration from other people, whether it’s their hair, makeup, or clothes, as you work on finding your personal style. However, it’s important not to lose yourself in trying to imitate someone else’s style. Now that we’ve addressed the psychological aspect of finding your personal style, let’s move on to the fun part: The clothes!

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