A brief overview of The 3 personality cluster type disorders By Sharilynn H

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Personality clusters types

There are three clusters of personality disorders are Type A ODD, otherwise known as eccentric disorders; Type B dramatic, emotional, or Type Type C erratic disorders; and anxious or fearful disorders.

The eccentric

Type A (ODD), otherwise known as the eccentric personality – within each type are sub-subcategories. Someone with a type-A personality may fall into one or more categories.

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  • Paranoid Personality Disorder-People with this disorder have difficulty trusting others.
  • Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Patients with this disorder often hear voices and believe everyday occurrences are really hidden messages.
  • Schizoid Personality Disorder: This disorder makes people reluctant to be around others, making them seem cold and unapproachable to others. People with schizoid personality disorder cannot pick up on social cues, find happiness in everyday activities, or express emotion.

The drama queen


Type B -Erratic, Dramatic. It should once again be noted that personality disorder types are clustered therefor you can more of just one the traits associated with the spectrum.

Based on Blair Waldorf’s character analysis, she would most likely fall under Histrionic Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. However, It’s unlikely she would classified as bipolar or antisocial

  • Histrionic Personality Disorder-This disorder is marked by a constant need for attention. People with histrionic personality disorder will resort to things like dramatic outbursts and sexual promiscuity to get the attention they need.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder – People with this Cluster B personality disorder believe their needs and feelings are more important than others. They may fantasize about power, lie about their accomplishments, and expect lots of praise from others
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder-People with this disorder have little to no regard for the needs and emotions of others.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder-people with this Cluster B personality disorder have fragile egos and believe that the people they love will abandon them. This combination can lead to unstable relationships, both with romantic partners and others.

The Psychopath/ sociopath


A sociopath like a joker would also be categorized as a cluster b personality type due to his erotomanic delusions, disorganized thinking, and anti-social behavior. Studies hypothesized positive associations between psychopathy and other personality disorders within cluster B, that being, narcissistic, antisocial, histrionic, and borderline personality disorder, all of which he exhibits.

In other words, his a cocktail of overlapping co-morbid disorders. In fact, it’s also plausible to argue his sociopathic tendencies may be a result of his condition. The films noted that he suffers from Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), which is a condition characterized by episodes of sudden uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing. Pseudobulbar affect typically occurs in people with certain neurological conditions or injuries, which might affect the way the brain controls emotion.

We could further argue he falls into cluster B due to nature vs. nature factors. His genetic condition, accompanied by growing up in social isolation, played a vital role in shaping his personality.

The obsessive germaphobe

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Type C – Fearful, Anxious

Displays unpredictable behaviors and react dramatically to seemingly mundane events.

  • Avoidant Personality Disorder-Terrified of rejection or any criticism. Because of these fears, they avoid contact with others at work and social events.
  • Dependent Personality Disorder– fear of having to take care of themselves or make decisions. As such, they depend on others to take care of their needs, make decisions, and give them constant approval
  • Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder– take perfectionism to extreme levels. They may obsess over rules, cleanliness, and order. They fear that if they do not complete certain tasks, something terrible will happen. Their rigidity sometimes hinders their relationships and always keeps them from living their full lives

Mental illness is a leading cause of disability. Untreated mental illness can cause severe emotional, behavioral and physical health problems. Complications sometimes linked to mental illness include: Unhappiness and decreased enjoyment of life.

If you think you or someone you know suffers from a mental condition contact your local helpline and speak to a health professional.

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice: diagnoses or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider with questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment because of something you read on the internet.

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