Top 1O high-earning college majors 

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College tip

Shadowing programs are highly recommended before deciding on a particular Major. There have been a number of instances when students chose academic paths that did not match their interests.  As a result, you can get a sense of what to expect regarding course work, campus culture and the level of interest you may have in a particular subject.

In many colleges in the United States, students do not have to choose a major during their freshman year; instead, they are free to explore other subjects and programs. Similarly, it is often recommended for students at other schools that they select their major early on while choosing a minor that is unrelated to their major. For students who are uncertain about going to college it’s a good idea to shadow other students. High School students can often shadow current college students as part of many programs. These programs provide great insight into course load, dedication required, and campus culture. 

College Major Tips

Double Majors that pair well together

Do not confuse dual degree programs with double majoring.  In a Double Major program, you study two fields simultaneously. A dual degree student studies two different fields in two different college programs. Due to the fact that both majors count toward the same degree, double majors may not require extra coursework. Each degree program requires separate coursework. In the case of a Double Major, the student is awarded a single degree. There are two different degrees conferred by dual degree programs.

Accounting and finance

Having a degree in Finance or Accounting gives you the tools you need to succeed in a career that is exciting and rewarding. Your knowledge of accounting and finance will be advanced on both a theoretical and practical level. In addition to financial and management accounting, taxation, and business law, this program is an ideal first step towards becoming a qualified accountant. Accounting plays a significant role in successful organizations, and you will gain a comprehensive understanding of its role.

Economics and business management

It combines academic disciplines in economics with a vocational knowledge of business in a 50/50 split. With this degree, you’ll learn how to apply your business knowledge to real-world situations. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of contemporary economic issues. As a graduate, you’ll have the skills employers are looking for. There are many careers available to graduates in private and public sectors such as business analysis, management, marketing, personnel, and strategic planning

Sharilynn Hanslo UCAM

Economics and statics

Economists analyze, gather, compile, and disseminate economic data. This type of study falls under the category of applied statistics and applied economics. Statistical analysis is closely related to estimation in business and econometrics.

The purpose of economic statistics is to collect, process, and analyze specific economic data. As a result, it enables us to understand and analyze economic theories, as well as to denote correlations between variables such as demand, supply, demand, inflammation and so on. From 2020 to 2030, mathematicians and statisticians are expected to grow 33 percent in employment, much faster than the average for all occupations. It is projected that mathematicians and statisticians will have about 5,200 job openings each year over the next decade on average.

Marketing and communication 

The majority of marketing and communication programs include some exploration of digital communication and social media. Social media managers and advertising executives, as well as media planners, are jobs graduates can expect to find after graduation from either program. A key component of marketing is communication, along with market research and customer service. 

The purpose of market research is to gain a better understanding of customers, and then to develop benefits messages that are used to communicate with them. In marketing and communication, professionals are exposed to a wide range of perspectives that can often lead to a more creative and innovative outcome. 

There is always room to learn more, even if you are very good at what you do. Take advantage of people from different disciplines that are related to yours. For many students, a communication degree is worth the investment. A 4% growth rate is projected for media and communication jobs over the next decade (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The fields of film editing, video editing, public relations, and journalism are all common careers in this area

Business and Art

Combining business and arts is a great idea. When you study the two together, you open the door to a world of opportunities. Studying both Business and Arts enhances your employability, and allows you to develop business skills that can be applied to artistic arenas as well. This combination gives you the best of both worlds if you haven’t yet decided on a career path. You’ll master conceptual thinking, analytical problem solving, and data analysis. You can explore your passions and career goals with almost 40 majors and minors available in Arts.

Business and communication

With this degree, students will enhance their research skills, organization skills, critical thinking skills, and time management skills. The courses offered to students usually include public relations, business writing, marketing, organizational training and development, and human resources.  Based on their chosen career path, communication majors can expect to make $36,638 to $176,126 a year. In the media, marketing, sales, business, or government, graduates with a degree in communications are prepared for a wide array of careers. As a communication graduate, you have a wide range of opportunities, and they are more lucrative than ever.

Communication and science

Those with an interest in society, media, and communication will benefit from a degree in Communication Science. A Bachelor of Science in Communications emphasizes organizational, interpersonal, cultural, political, and digital communication theories and applications.

Students are required to complete core courses in communications theory, research, ethics, law, technology, and business. Human behavior is examined through Communication Studies degrees, which examine the impact of mass media and messages on people and culture. 

Communications majors tend to earn a higher salary over time, although salaries fluctuate. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic’s turbulent period, salaries have remained stable over the past decade. Among communication majors, the starting salary projections increased from $38,549 in 2011 to $58,174 in 2021, according to the annual Salary Survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).

Marketing and communications

Marketing programs prepare graduates for careers in advertising, public relations, and sales. Marketers and advertising professionals work for marketing companies, advertising agencies, and public relations agencies. Their responsibilities also include marketing management and supervision.

It is extremely versatile and can lead to a variety of high paying, in-demand careers, with great job satisfaction and continuing education opportunities. The average salary for marketing majors is $50k to $208k per year. Among the top 10% of earners, over $208,000 was earned. Communication graduates have many career options – they can work as designers, public relations specialists, sales managers, reporters, advertising or marketing managers, writers, or editors. 

Economics and psychology 

In economic psychology, experiments and surveys are used to examine human judgments and decision making based on economic activities and conditions. Economic psychologists use psychology to describe the factors that create individual variations in economic behavior and are therefore responsible for making predictions difficult. In private, semi-private, and governmental organizations, graduates can work in research, communication, marketing, financial services, advertising, policy, and consulting. Using data from over 250 sources, determined that the average national salary for Economic Psychology was $44,000.00. This is 23% lower than the average national salary for all job postings.

Economics and finance

Financial Economics focuses on the use of economic resources in uncertain markets. The purpose of this branch of economics is to determine how time, risk, opportunity costs, and information can create an incentive for a particular decision. In order to explain various economic phenomena and predict market trends, financial economists compile data while analyzing businesses and financial environments Many business schools offer a double or combined major in financial economics for students who want to benefit from both economics and finance. In May 2021, economists earned a median salary of $105,630.

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